Geometric plans, marking out the borders of the land and building foundations, the focus of connections of utilities, documentation, implementation of construction and předprojekční the focus of the plot. Without these important geodetic and geological services can not do almost no construction.

PAVELKA - VTP s.r.o. tepelna cerpadla, solarni systemy UH
Company PAVELKA - VTP s.r.o. Vlčnov specializes in water, topo, gas and sewer cleaning. We provide sales, installation, installation and servicing of central heating, floor heating, solar systems for heating and hot water, condensing boilers, electric boilers, gas boilers and heaters. We mainly operate in the region of Uherský Brod, Uherské ...
ADITIS s.r.o. Geodeticke prace Brno
We are a Czech private company engaged in geodetic work. We have been operating on the market since 2002. Therefore, our work is based on long-term knowledge in the field of information technology and geodetic information systems. The services are comprehensive and necessary for the implementation and operation of each information system, ...
Geodezie Dvur Kralove s.r.o. Geodeticke prace Dvur Kralove nad Labem
Geodesy in Dvur Kralove nad Labem. We provide a comprehensive geometric plan, which is necessary for example for the registration of the building in the Land Register, for the sale or purchase of a piece of land, for marking the easement on a part of the land or for the course of the boundary.   We provide the following ...
Geodeticka kancelar Semily Ing. Jan Kral, geodet
Geodetic office Semily We perform all geodetic work as: - making geometric plans - demarcation of property boundaries -map data -cartographic work - surveying of utilities -staking out and surveying of buildings -documentation of actual construction of buildings -position and elevation for building projects   We operate in the ...
NV Engineering s.r.o. Diagnostika stavebnich konstrukci
We provide comprehensive support activities in the construction industry - civil engineering, building diagnostics, building technical surveys, static assessments, construction supervision, project management, property valuation and expert opinions. Engineering activities in capital construction: - pre-project activity - communication with ...
GON Hradec Kralove, a.s. Geodeticke prace Hradec Kralove
We perform all geodetic work:  - land surveying  - geometric plans such as the division of land, change of boundaries, etc.  - we provide technical assistance in changing the registration of ownership and other rights in the Land Register  - We provide staking work on construction sites  - we set out and measure land and borders, including ...
Uniservis Hasek s.r.o. Elektromontazni prace Kladno
ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS AND INSPECTIONS - complete electrical installation work from low voltage to high voltage up to 22kV: - reconstruction and repair of electrical equipment - new installations for the industrial and civil sector - construction of cable networks - construction of transformer stations - construction of public ...
SUDOP BRNO, spol. s r.o.
The company SUDOP BRNO, spol. s r.o. offers its clients a wide range of services in the field of construction design, engineering and geodetic work. We focus on designing transport, engineering, civil and residential buildings. We can also help in the projection of railway and road transport, urban and suburban transport, in the fields of ...
Geodezie Harasta Jan Harasta
The company creates geometric plans for the survey of buildings, division of land and the designation of easements. They will also ensure the orientation of line constructions and the preparation of declarations of conformity, for example, to specify the boundaries of land.
Geodezie Breclavsko, s.r.o.
Surveyors of the Geodézie Břeclavsko s.r.o. company will take care of all geodetic works in the wide vicinity of the Břeclav region. We will prepare a geometric plan, topography or elevation. We draw the boundaries of the land and the building. The geodetic work performed by us, which we provide for clients from the vicinity of Břeclav, ...
SURGEO, s.r.o.
Geological work: -deposit survey -engineering-geological, hydrogeological survey -building pit and building land/ ground drainage -housing research and expertise -measurement of radon in soil RNDr.Benak, tel: +420-518302209. Geodetic work: -geometrical plans -GPS metering -landscaping - design, staking -line building, real estate ...
Geoprofil s.r.o. Geodeticke prace Olomouc
Company Geoprofil s.r.o. performs complex geodetic work on a professional level. We will develop geometric plans, focusing utilities, water, gas, building construction and land. You can find our headquarters in Olomouc, we operate within the Olomouc Region and its surroundings. Geodetic services and works:  - geometric plans  - demarcation of ...
VUHU a.s.
Research Institute for Brown Coal a.s. Research Institute for Brown Coal a.s. was founded in Most in 1953 as a special - purpose organization of mines in the North Bohemian Brown Coal Basin for solving complex issues of development, especially quarrying of brown coal. As of May 1, 1992, the institute was registered in the Commercial Register ...
Vodni zdroje Ekomonitor, s.r.o.
The company Vodní zdroje Ekomonitor based in the Chrudim district deals with the liquidation of ecological burdens by means of modern remediation procedures; we maintain a continuous emergency service for leaks of harmful substances and we implement water treatment plants. We conduct hydrogeological surveys and search for and manufacture new water ...
Fiedler Geo Geodeticka kancelar
The geodetic office Fiedler Geo, based in Hradec Králové, is engaged in the creation of basic purpose maps, map documents for the design of buildings and geodetic surveying of the routes of engineering networks throughout the territory of the Czech Republic. The device orientation of the company is focused on devices from TRIMBLE and TOPCON ...
Ing. Petr Muller - GSP Zememericka kancelar
Company GSP Surveying Office, Ing. Petr Müller performs all geodetic work. Our services include demarcation and surveying of land boundaries, creation of geometric, elevation and topographic plans. You can find us in Zlín on T. Bata Street. Our activity: - geodetic works - geometric plans of all kinds - demarcation of land boundaries - ...
DANKOVIC geodeticka kancelar s.r.o.
The company Dankovič geodeticka kancelář, s.r.o. from Pilsen focuses on geodetic work - geometric plans, demarcation of land boundaries, land division, elevations, mapping and design documents, orientation of buildings for mortgage or approval, easement, real estate cadastre, measurement of utility networks, digitization maps We offer geodetic ...
GAKO-Oblouk s.r.o.
Surveyors from GAKO-Oblouk s.r.o. provide their clients with comprehensive, high-quality and fast services in the field of geodesy. We provide surveying and surveying of land boundaries, drawing up geometric plans, building point fields, setting out objects and line buildings before construction, surveying crane tracks or drawing up passports of ...
GEOPORT, s.r.o. geodeticke sluzby
GEOPORT, s.r.o. Our office is located at Zacpalova 27, Opava. Work, craft: - surveyor, surveyor - surveying. Services: - comprehensive geodetic services in the construction of houses and larger buildings - geodetic services in the real estate cadastre - professional expert activities in the real estate cadastre - engineering geodesy - ...
Ing.Karel Stochl
Geology. Services: - engineering geology - focus of linear constructions -geometric plans -delineation of borders and buildings -monitoring landslides -mine maps - measurement of crane tracks.
Ing. Tomas Placek geodet
Geodetic services. Are you looking for someone in Děčín who focuses on geodetic work? Then do not hesitate to contact the company Ing. Tomáš Plaček, which is located at Za Bažantnicí 1476/50. Among the services we offer to our customers are the development of geometric plans, plotting, engineering geodesy and comparative compilation of ...
Geological survey, geological work, statistical penetration tests, geotechnical evaluation of penetration tests and other services are provided to its clients by TERRATEST s.r.o. You can find us at Za Školou 10, Lázně Toušeň, district Prague-East. Services, work: - geological Survey - geological work - field geotechnical tests - static ...