Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Services: - domestic and international truck transport - transport of full-load, collection and piece consignments - transport of refrigerated goods - transport of dangerous goods according to ADR

Truck transport: - national, - international, - 60 trucks. Personal transport. Car rental.

Services: - domestic and international road transport - shipping - ADR transport - storage

Services: - earthworks - truck transport - removal of rubble and waste - demolition - delivery, installation of septic tank, cesspool - rental of compaction equipment

Services: - domestic and international road transport

Services: - truck transport Car service, tire service: - phone: 603 490 747 Car rental - cars and vans

Tire service: - passenger and freight. Earthwork. Road transport: -palletized material - transportation of rubble and soil -transportation and sales: -sand -grind* -gravel.

Services: - ADR truck transport - transportation by suction tank trucks with a volume of 12 – 35 cbm - forwarding

Services: - driving school - truck transport - accounting - garden work - first aid courses - dog nursery, hotel for dogs

Transport, forwarding, bulk transport - international and domestic freight transport - storage.

Services: - truck transport - passenger transport by minibuses - towing service

Transport, road transport: - freight interstate, international - storage - logistics

The company CTJ, a.s. : Transportation, transportation, logistics, storage, customs services. Integrated customer service. Shipment tracking dispatch system. Insurance - standard liability and additional insurance. Road, truck, freight transport, transportation: - national - international pan-European network, regular transport ...

Construction company. Construction, repair, reconstruction: - family houses - sidewalks, roads, parking lots. Work: - ground, excavation - trimming and felling of trees - road transport - work with high-lift platforms. Retail, sales: - sand, aggregate - curbs - interlocking paving.

Services: - container road transport - rental of containers - sale, import of loose materials

Offer of domestic and foreign automobile freight transport, service and repair of vehicles, sale of spare parts, tires and fuel.

Offering a wide range of construction and masonry works and activities for the district of Kolín, Nymburk, Kutná hora and the wider area. Implementation of the construction of family houses, both brick and wooden houses. Complete reconstruction of family houses, apartments and housing units. Scraping and hammering of plaster, plastering, painting, ...

Sale - Used Cars - MAZDA cars Repair and reconstruction - fire trucks - canvas and freezer trucks NON-STOP repair - cargo equipment - trucks Service - cars Tire service NON-STOP towing service Service, sales and repairs - firefighting equipment National and international truck transport Wet static painting, ...

Transport and logistics services: - air, sea, road freight transport.

Road transport: - special transport - transportation of passenger cars.