Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Domestic and international freight transport - storage and logistics services

Transport and forwarding - national - international Phone: 325 551 025 Sale of spare parts for trucks, mainly Avia, Liaz, Iveco and Mercedes-Benz. Tel. : 325 553 437

Domestic, international: - forwarding. - shipping.

Road transport - cargo - up to 4t

Rakotrans has been operating on the transport market in the Czech Republic and Europe since 1992. We ensure: - domestic transport - international freight transport - forwarding.

Sales warehouse: - components of dry construction: - plasterboard Knauf, Lafarge - thermal and sound insulation Ursa, Orsil, Rockwool - OWA, Armstrong, Thermatex mineral ceilings - construction chemicals Knauf - tools and laser technology for plasterboard assembly. - work clothes: - jackets, sweatshirts - dungarees, ...

Member of the Plasterboarders Guild of the Czech Republic. Turnkey dry constructions. Delivery, assembly: - plasterboard systems KNAUF, LAFARGE - Luxalon aluminum mineral ceilings from the Hunter company Douglas - Fermacell and Knauf dry floating floors - double floors. Sale: - components of dry construction: - plasterboard ...

Road transport, forwarding Transport, forwarding - transport and forwarding activities - delivery of goods - storage of goods - customs clearance of goods - clearance of goods - customs services Our forwarders and drivers are non-stop on their mobile phones ready to meet your requirements immediately. Shipping around the ...

Activity: - Garden work - Laying interlocking paving - Earthwork - Gabions - Road transport

Our services: - road freight transport.

Construction company. Construction, reconstruction: - civil buildings - family houses - utilities. Reconstruction, rebuilding: - apartments, housing complexes Insulation of the facade of the house. Work: - ground and excavation - demolition and demolition - maintenance of roads - painting and painting, painting and ...

International shipping. Forwarding, forwarding and logistics services. Representation in customs proceedings. Truck transport up to 3.5 tons. Goods transport.

Preparatory and finishing construction work. Crane work up to 20 tons. Haulage: - domestic, national road transport - foreign, international road transport.

Technical Services: - administration of the city cemetery - road transport -removal of faeces - ground work -renting, borrowing - high-lift platform -public lighting -sprinkling service and packaging facilities.

Transport: -personal -tourist -freight. Parking available. Sale of chip cards.

Sale - tires Tire service Transportation - parcels - piece shipments (collection service) Air Transport Traffic - road transport - IVECO, MAN and MERCEDES-BENZ cars

We carry out ecological disposal of cars, trucks and other motor vehicles. Upon agreement, we will also arrange transport. We will arrange a certificate for ecological disposal and all documents for you free of charge. We also operate cargo transport over 12 t. Domestic and international truck transport. We specialize in the states of the former ...

Services: - transportation of excessive loads - earthworks and crane work.

Road transport Moving apartments and offices - estate clearance

Haulage - national - up to 3.5t Personal transport - national - up to 3.5t Sale - children's, women's and men's perfumes - glass jewelry - clothes from designer Růzena Šimková Graphic work business cards, posters, flyers Repairs and cleaning - hardware Training - internet Web design - ...

Transport - freight - up to 26t - cars MAN 15 pal 3, 7t, hydraulic front, IVECO 17pal. 5t front, IVECO semi-trailer, IVECO vans, DUCATO, VW Lt. maybe even ADR