Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Services: - domestic and international freight transport

Sale: products - coal, briquettes, gravel, sand and firewood truck transport

Services: - road transport. -international, domestic truck transport. - fleet of 34 vehicles. -shipping to Great Britain. - mediation of ferries between France and Great Britain (Dunkirk - Dover).

Services: - domestic truck transport.

Truck transport - national - up to 50t Earth and excavation works

In our company, we specialize in trucking with the use of manual cars. Our trucks are equipped with a hydraulic arm for easy handling of heavy loads

Road motor transport - freight operated by vehicles or vehicles with a maximum permissible weight not exceeding 3.5 tons, if they are intended for the transport of animals or goods -Retail business operated outside regular establishments Production, installation, repair of electrical machines and devices, electronic and telecommunications ...

Road freight transport. Forwarding.

Road transport. Car dealership. Towing service.

Services, work: - tiling - painting - paint shop - laying of floating floors and carpets - field and excavation work - interlocking paving - heating - plumbing - electrical - revision of electricity, gas, lightning conductor - removal of rubble and soil - removal of sand, concrete and construction material - security ...

Sales of fertilizers and agrochemicals. Sale of coal and sand. Extraction and sale of white dolomite limestone. Domestic and international truck transport.

Logistics services. Freight transport and transport of medicines and goods subject to special transport regimes. Provision of personal transport.

We offer international truck transport, specializing in Eastern countries.

Container transport: Ensuring the removal of rubble, -earthworks -excavation work -demolition work - painting work Disposal of trees and steam pipes.

Road transport - ground work - leveling the terrain - provision of car transport

Earthwork with construction machinery. Road motor freight transport. Mineral processing and peat and mud mining. Business in the field of waste management. Business in the field of hazardous waste management. Locksmithery. Agricultural production. Road vehicle repairs. Operation of gas stations with fuels and lubricants. Providing ...

Do you need container transport or debris removal? Contact us! Our company offers container transport, sale of bulk materials, debris removal, services to the population, towing service. We also offer sales - sand, gravel, rubble and coal. We also deal with dredging and landscaping. Belt stacking of coal.

Our company is a quality service provider in the field of international and domestic transport: - transportation of both full trucks and piece shipments - express shipping - special transport -storage - they are for regular clients very interesting bonuses prepared.

Our services: - car rental - spare parts for Twingo - road transport.

International road Transport. Vehicle fleet: - VOLVO FH 12 - IVECO Stralis - SCANIA Topline - SCHMITZ refrigerated trailers.

Implementation of water management structures, their changes and removal. Operation of truck transport. Implementation of earthworks. Demolition of asphalt and concrete. Sludge removal. Motor vehicle repairs. Truck crane work.