Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Services: -international and domestic truck transport

Family company with a focus on freight forwarding and road transport.

Services - container transport - haulage Earthwork Realization and maintenance of gardens

Flooring work, laying - parquet floors - floating floors

Work: -ground. -demolition. Container transport: -removal of debris, soil.

Domestic and international truck transport of vehicles up to 3, 5t and 5t

Services: - construction activity - reconstruction - earthworks - demolition - truck transport

Services - container transport - domestic, international freight transport - moving

Haulage Sale - sand Earth and excavation works

Storage Air Transport - tracking of air shipments Maritime and freight transport Export and import of parcels

Towing service Truck transport Forwarding

Offer of transport, logistics and storage services.

Wholesale and retail. Sale: -diesel -oils -lubricant - operating fluid. Delivery by tanker truck to the designated location. Sale for cash, on invoice. Sale by system (PIN CARD). National and international road freight transport

Rescue and towing services Truck transport - international International road transport - mainly Czech Republic-Spain Forwarding

Services: - logistics. - air, sea transport. - road transport.

Work: -ground - tiling Services: - road transport -cleaning lakes and ponds Building: - motherboards

Work: - tiling - ground and excavation -plumbing -reconstruction Services: - container transport -cleaning work -sale and rental of real estate

Services - road motor transport - moving - storage - assembly of goods Car repair shop, car service - repair of motor vehicles - car paint shop - car repair work

Truck transport Carpentry work Earthwork Construction work Locksmith work

Services - domestic freight transport - container transport - removal of debris, material Earth and excavation works

Forwarding Truck transport - national and international

Haulage: -international - domestic Services: - engine cleaning -tire service