Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Services: - bus service. - domestic and international freight transport.

Rental and rental: -passenger cars (Felicie, Favorit) -trucks - MOT preparation, MOT execution. Freight transport up to 3 tons*.

Bookkeeping. Road motor transport - freight.

Customs declaration Truck transport - international - national Air Transport Sea transport Storage

Road transport: - freight road.

Transport - domestic cargo - debris removal - up to 4, 2t - AVIA cars Demolition work Earthwork - ground leveling - foundations for family houses (RD) - sumps,

Forwarding, shipping. -international, domestic truck transport. - transportation of cars. -rail transport. -river transport. Business activity: - agricultural commodities. - feed.

Services: - ground, excavation work with a mini excavator. -UNC Locust earthworks. -container road transport.

Container transport - DAEWOO, AVIA D90 trucks - import of sand, gravel, crushed stone, gravel, other building materials - removal of rubble, soil Personal car transport - capacity 1+8 people - national - FORD TRANSIT

Pragonet Trade offers the purchase of secondary waste

Car and truck transport: - debris and waste removal - delivery of containers, including large-volume ones - cleaning of cellars and attics - moving.

Locksmith and other construction work, road transport.

Road transport. Provision of freight transport. Import of sand, soil, gravel, gravel. Earthwork with a rotary belt excavator 3.5t

Services: - truck transport - transport and pumping of concrete

Production - plastic stands, containers, covers Transporting horses

Services: - comprehensive logistics services - storage - international distribution - domestic transport - Customs declaration - sea and air freight transport - collection service - delivery of products in tempered mode +2 to +6

Transport - freight transport - all construction waste - debris - municipal waste Delivery - sand - stone - ornamental stones - concrete - construction and backfilling material - soil - mortar - clay - recycled materials Demolition Earthwork