Ivo Kopecky

Havlickova 3, Modrice 664 42

  • sweets and desserts, wedding cakes, birthday cakes, tea biscuits, corpuses, toppings
  • bulk teas, tea sachets, curative and herb teas, coffee beans, ground coffee, instant coffee
  • loose spices, liquid spices, loose flavourings, liquid flavourings, prepared broths, meat bouillons, vegetable stocks, dried mushrooms, seasoning sauces, single spices, spice mixtures
  • cow's milk, goat's milk, yoghurt drinks, fermented milk products, fresh butter, pasteurized milk, hard cheeses, soft cheese, cottage cheese products
  • seasonal fruits, seasonal vegetables, imported fruit and vegetables, heat treated vegetables, dried fruits, fruit products, vegetable products
  • production of fresh baked goods, manufacture of long-life bakery products, production of Christmas cookies, pastries and confectionery, cakes to order
  • fine wheat flour, select semi-coarse ground flour, wheat semolina, sugar refining, butter distribution, vegetable fats
  • noble spirits, alcoholic drinks, spirits and hard liquors, brandies and liquors, plum brandy and apricot brandy
  • red and white wines, rosé wine, quality wines, attributive wines, late harvest, selection of berries, cuvee wine, gift wine, corporate wines
  • frozen meat, frozen fish, deep frozen vegetable mixes, frozen half-products, frozen fruit, ice cream and ice lollies
  • cold drinks, hot drinks, coffees and teas, lemonades, syrups, tonic drinks, milk drinks, water and mineral water
  • fresh eggs, cage breed eggs, bio eggs, dried egg whites, dried egg mix, egg products
  • smoked meat products, sausage products, stewed ham, pig-slaughtering product range, minced meat, slaughter meat
  • food products, healthy food, basmati and jasmine rice, semolina pasta, red lentils
  • alcoholic beverages, brewery products, brewing malt, beer specials, kinds of beers, beer brands

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