Speed, precision and maximum safety. These specifications apply as for the shipping, so in general for a courier delivery. Transport can take care of both of the classic packages, so the oversized costs or urgent shipments, as a valuable writing and the like.

Mediation of rail, sea, truck, river and container transport. Warehousing, handling, distribution services in the country and abroad.

Transport services, logistics, services - express transport of goods.

Services: - national and international road haulage - freight forwarding

Services - freight forwarding - forwarding - national and international freight transport.

Services - Courier service - local and international express transport - parcel transport.

Services: - national and international road transport delivery - Courier services - moving

International and domestic forwarding Shipping -road, rail, container and combined transport Customs declaration -representation in customs proceedings -security of customs debt, NCTS -INTRASTAT Warehousing, distribution -warehouses, free customs zone -logistics services -issuance and listing of documents -management of the ...

Services - national and international forwarding - haulage.

National and international road freight transport. Courier service.

Services: -shipping Branch of ALLSPED s.r.o.

Express road transport, transportation, moving-nonstop.

Transport, transportation: - national, international - extraction - freight forwarding. Fuel distribution.

Bus/ coach station, Kyjov, Nerudova 267: -AMS - automatized seat reservation system -bus service. Haulage - motor transport: -international truck transport full service, vehicles properly utilization/ use to full capacity -freight service 3-25t - the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Transportexpres - fast transporting of individual ...

Price of online shipping! Our company operates a web portal and offers services in the field of road freight transport from a single pallet. E.g. transport from Germany, transport from the Netherlands from Belgium and France. Ensuring full truck transport, transport in the form of delivery and collection services. Possibility to order online.

Services: - car service - tire service - hand washing, car interior cleaning. Road transport: - express transport of consignments.

Transportation - piece consignments Express air transport

Logistic Services offers: Consignment transport - all modes of transport from any place

Rental, hire: - commercial vehicles - supplies - maxi-supplies Services: - moving - express transport - Courier

BLESK courier has been providing courier services since 2002. Since then, we have safely delivered tens of thousands of shipments to their destination.

- road transport - national and international road transport - state and international road transport, transport of loads up to 2000kg - transport services MAX: length: 460 cm height: 180 cm width: 160 cm LOAD CAPACITY: inside: 2000kg Euro: 1250kg 6 euro pallets, 15, 6m3

Comprehensive logistics services, warehousing, distribution, customs services, logistics projects and logistics consulting. Warehousing and distribution logistics - Vendula Fišerová, Jiří Veselý tel .: 548138550, 548138556 fax: 548138209 Distribution in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and international forwarding - Jan Jelínek tel .: ...

Authorized dealer of CITROËN cars, authorized brand service: -CITROEN C1, C2, C3, Berlingo, Xsara Picasso -C4, C5, C6, C8 -New C4 Picasso -New C-Crosser Utility version: -C2 Enterprice -BERLINGO -JUMPY -JUMPER -C15.

Gas station: - fuels - diesel, petrol, oils - car wash - SHOP.

Gas station - fuels - diesel, petrol, oils - car wash - SHOP.

Bus Station - Information on bus departures and arrivals tel .: 518 321 836, 518 321 028 Passenger transport - Petr Röss, Michaela Turzíková tel .: 518 344 490.