Speed, precision and maximum safety. These specifications apply as for the shipping, so in general for a courier delivery. Transport can take care of both of the classic packages, so the oversized costs or urgent shipments, as a valuable writing and the like.

Individual express shipments - air and ground. Focus on maximally urgent shipments and shipments requiring temperature control during transport. Service available 24/7/365 worldwide. Possibility of delivery in many destinations on the same day. Transport: all time-critical materials (spare parts, components, AOG, legal documents, etc.), medical ...

International road haulage, freight traffic/haul/truckage (provision of transport to all the states in Europe). Inland road haulage. Export - transport of furniture to the Western Europe (box semi-trailers). Forwarding. Logistics. Transport-transportation. Motor transport: -tel.: +420-548122333 (German speaking countries) -tel.: ...

We operate :, - passenger and truck transport up to 24 tons - we provide express transport of piece shipments.

Services - national and international road freight transport - delivery of consignments - moving.

Car transport and forwarding - national and international express transport - delivery transport

Services: - van transport - passenger transport, minibuses 8 + 1 - moving - Courier services

Road transport: - national, international. Express shipping: - shipments and costs 1-5kg Passenger transport. Minibus transport: - 5 + 1, 8 + 1 passenger transport. Rental: - motor homes - caravans. Car rental.

Services: - express transport - forwarding - transport of dangerous goods - transport of substances and goods under controlled temperature. GM expres s.r.o. U Korečnice 1770 68801 Uherský Brod

Road transport, services - Airport transfer - recruitment of workers and managers to meetings - delivery of express freight consignments - ADR transport - transport of vehicles on low loaders.

Services: - international freight transport - domestic freight transport - forwarding - freight forwarding - service and maintenance of cars - sale of cars and accessories - hospitality - Bar Pohoda. Bar Pohoda: Ottova 155 269 01 Rakovník Mon - Sun 6:00 - 00:00

Services: national road haulage - courier, express transport.

Services: - van transport - express transport.

Road transport, forwarding, transport: -road motor freight transport domestic + international over 3, 5t total weight -international and domestic forwarding (extraction and employment of vehicles) -express transport of piece shipments and packages -repairs of road vehicles Retail, sale: -motor vehicles and their ...

Services: - international freight transport - domestic freight transport - freight forwarding. Residence: LUTA Nepomuk Nádražní 476 Nepomuk 335 01

Services: - Courier service - domestic road transport - parcel transport.

Services: - international delivery - domestic delivery - parcel transport - forwarding - moving - storage - car rental. Office: Sázavská 618/6 460 07 LIBEREC III

Road transport: - national road freight transport - international road freight transport. Services: - Courier service - limousine rental. Office: Miloš Bukáček Klínovecká 1407/507 363 01 Island milos@tatra700.cz Dispatching: Petr Borek Klínovecká 1407/508 363 01 Island borek@tatra700.cz

Truck transport: - national - international - express

Road transport: - freight - delivery - national, international - Courier services - moving Services: - bank, non-bank loans - insurance

Services: - taxi service - courier transport.

Services: - courier transport - transportation of parcels up to 50 kg, valuables - passenger transport.

Servants - international and domestic truck transport - freight transport - forwarding - express shipping - storage.