Speed, precision and maximum safety. These specifications apply as for the shipping, so in general for a courier delivery. Transport can take care of both of the classic packages, so the oversized costs or urgent shipments, as a valuable writing and the like.

Road transport, transport, transportation: - international cargo over 3.5 tons.

Express shipping of parcels - up to 3.5t Road transport - up to 3.5t Personal transport - passenger transportation - airport transport - wedding service - VIP transportation with bodyguard.

Road transport, transportation, transportation: -freight international -forwarding, shipping -Courier service. Minibus transport.

Transport: - international and national - moving Transportation of cargo by vans up to 3.5t Express shipments. Nonstop!!

The fastest courier service. Timely and reliable delivery of your shipments. Transport throughout the Czech Republic.

Road truck transport - cargo transportation. Collection service. Shipping.

Services: -international, domestic rail transport - mining of road vehicles. - operation of sidings

Dispensary of medical equipment. Sales, retail: - medical supplies, medical technology. Services: -courier express motorcycle service. Providing information about the FreeStyle blood glucose meter. Creation, maintenance: - website.

Services: - logistics - Courier services - truck transport

Haulage - international and domestic transport - shipping - storage.

Forwarding company - domestic and international transport of goods - haulage - express and piece shipments - storage.

Services: - national and international transportation of goods from 1kg to 1500Kg - express shipping

Our services: - domestic and international passenger transport by passenger cars and minibuses - passenger transportation - transport to the airport - express delivery of parcels - car rental of minibuses, vans, roof racks, car boxes and bike racks.

Taxi service, online sale of wicker goods. Haulage. We also rent construction machines with operators.

Road transport: -international road Transport - forwarding.

Courier services, passenger transport, pawn shop, gold purchase.

- shipping over 3.5t - express transport up to 3.5t - transportation of works of art and objects + installation

Services: - international shipping -international transport - domestic transport - ensuring transportation -collection service - forwarding -storage

Road transport - international and domestic delivery transport - express transport of parcels.

Road transport - container international and domestic Shipping Road transport - freight (international and domestic) - excessive costs - transportation of investment units - transportation of mobile homes Migration - heavy loads Forwarding

Services: - courier - transport

Services: - car service - tire service - van truck transport - express transport of parcels - personal transport by minibus. Sale: - tires.

Road transport, transportation: -freight: -national (domestic) -international (foreign) - transport mediation, forwarding - piece shipments. Car service: -complete preparation of personal and trucks on MOT* -painting works, paint shop - body work, body shop. Assisting services: - road assistance service - towing ...

Wholesale, distribution of disinfectants and cleaning agents - preparations for preventing cancer and strengthening the body's immunity. VIP Transport - transportation of people and parcels.