Speed, precision and maximum safety. These specifications apply as for the shipping, so in general for a courier delivery. Transport can take care of both of the classic packages, so the oversized costs or urgent shipments, as a valuable writing and the like.

Shipping, transport, transportation, transports. Services: - transport of whole and partial consignments in the country and abroad -collection service from Germany to CZ - transport of dangerous goods ADR - oversized shipments -logistics services -storage of goods, handling them according to the customer's wishes, including delivery

Provision of intermediary services in the field of forwarding and container transport. Services: - international transport - the whole world - maritime container transport - shipowner - shipowner's agent - ship transportation - container transport

Transport, forwarding, shipping. Extraction of vehicles, processing of customs formalities, declarations. Transportation: - international - national - piece shipments.

Activity: - domestic and international road transport

Courier activities Storage - road freight transport

Taxi service - passenger transportation. Courier service throughout Europe.

Services: - domestic and international express transport

Shipping: - national - international - forwarding - international transport.

Delivery: - newspapers - press, magazines - shipments.

International shipping and forwarding: - express transport of parcels vans across Europe - whole truck, truck transport by Europe, trucking - international forwarding

Smart Express provides international courier transport, air cargo transport, collection service and direct transport of urgent shipments.

Activity: - transportation of goods - courier - storage - packaging of shipments.

Company activity: - logistic solutions - road transport - air Transport - rail transport - Naval transport - luggage transportation - Customs declaration - storage - accompanying services.

Road transport: -international freight transport and forwarding - the possibility of full-car shipments and collection services - transport of parcels to all European countries and non-European countries -DELIVERIES ONLY - truck transport.

International and domestic shipping: - unit consignments, loadings, full truckload consignments. Transportation of containers. Transportation, transportation of piece shipments by small and large trucks up to 24t.

Transport - logistics - forwarding - road, air, sea, rail transport - transportation of vehicles along its own axis - storage and all operations related to storage - international shipping - online tracking of vehicles and goods - night deliveries of goods - all shipping services - optimization of logistics processes - customs services, ...

Long-term and short-term storage - completion and sorting of shipments - transshipment of trucks, containers Transportation - unit and full truck loads Security - logistics Truck transport - international and national.

Forwarding, transport, logistics: - piece and collective consignments - air and sea shipments - customs services - complex logistics projects.

Transport, services: - piece shipments, - pallet shipments, - aviation, - maritime, - storage, - logistics outsourcing, - customs agency, - logistics.

Offer of courier services in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Shipping, car freight transport, express transport of pieces shipments within the CS EXPRESS system: - domestic -international (EU countries). - gas station PH -repairs of motor vehicles