Speed, precision and maximum safety. These specifications apply as for the shipping, so in general for a courier delivery. Transport can take care of both of the classic packages, so the oversized costs or urgent shipments, as a valuable writing and the like.

Courier transport service - economical and efficient delivery of shipments - delivery of express parcels in the Czech Republic and abroad - flower delivery - moving services - packaging, assembly

Security Agency, Services: - security of persons and property - Private detective - Courier service - manual cleaning of car interiors

Truck transport, international and domestic. Transportation of parcels from abroad.

Services: - domestic, international road transport - shipping - mining - Customs declaration - storage

National and international transport, forwarding and transport - tanks, tankers, freight transport. We transport hot asphalt, heavy heating oils, foodstuffs, chemicals. We also provide tank washing. We provide tanker transport within the EU and beyond. - transportation of food - transportation of chemicals - transport of asphalt - ...

Road transport and forwarding: - international road transport - domestic transport -express delivery service. -vans with tarpaulin Services: - express shipments and JUST IN TIME type transports (SONDERFAHRTEN) - transportation of cargo up to 3.5 tons.

Transport and forwarding services. We currently have approx. 17 vehicles of various capacities: - vans, cargo and large-capacity vehicles - trucks. We transport goods throughout the Czech Republic and to more than 11 other European countries: - express transport with own vehicles - trucks - Sola flatbeds - transport of dangerous ...

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and Slovakia within 24 hours, Bratislava within 48 hours hours remaining at the destination. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benesov: - transport, express, courier, extraction ...

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and Slovakia within 24 hours, Bratislava within 48 hours hours remaining at the destination. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg.

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and Slovakia within 24 hours Bratislava, other destinations within 48 hours. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benešov: - transport, express, courier, extraction -storage and ...

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and Slovakia within 24 hours Bratislava, other destinations within 48 hours. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benešov: - transport, express, courier, extraction -storage and ...

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and Slovakia within 24 hours, Bratislava within 48 hours hours remaining at the destination. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benesov: - transport, express, courier, extraction ...

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and Slovakia within 24 hours, Bratislava within 48 hours hours remaining at the destination. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benesov: - transport, express, courier, extraction ...

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and Slovakia within 24 hours, Bratislava within 48 hours hours remaining at the destination. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benesov: - transport, express, courier, extraction ...

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and Slovakia within 24 hours, Bratislava within 48 hours hours remaining at the destination. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benesov: - transport, express, courier, extraction ...

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and Slovakia within 24 hours, Bratislava within 48 hours hours remaining at the destination. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benesov: - transport, express, courier, extraction ...

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and Slovakia within 24 hours, Bratislava within 48 hours hours remaining at the destination. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benesov: - transport, express, courier, extraction ...

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and Slovakia within 24 hours, Bratislava within 48 hours hours remaining at the destination. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benesov: - transport, express, courier, extraction ...

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and Slovakia within 24 hours Bratislava, other destinations within 48 hours. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benešov: - transport, express, courier, extraction -storage and ...

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and Slovakia within 24 hours, Bratislava within 48 hours for other destinations. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benešov: - transport, express, courier, extraction -storage and ...

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and Slovakia within 24 hours Bratislava, other destinations within 48 hours. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benešov: - transport, express, courier, extraction -storage and ...

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and SR within 24 hours Bratislava within 48 hours other destinations. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benešov: - transport, express, courier, extraction -storage and distribution of ...

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and Slovakia within 24 hours Bratislava, other destinations within 48 hours. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benešov: - transport, express, courier, extraction -storage and ...

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and SR, within 24 hours Bratislava within 48 hours other destinations. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benešov: - transport, express, courier, extraction -storage and distribution ...