Speed, precision and maximum safety. These specifications apply as for the shipping, so in general for a courier delivery. Transport can take care of both of the classic packages, so the oversized costs or urgent shipments, as a valuable writing and the like.

Activity: - international truck transport to the regions of Germany, Belgium and France - forwarding, shipping

Services: - domestic, international truck transport - shipping - moving

Services - international and domestic road transport - international and domestic forwarding - express shipping - courier transport.

Forwarding company - international and domestic freight transport - local and foreign delivery transport - express shipping - Courier services.

Shipping and representation in customs procedures. Intermediation of trade and services. Road motor transport: - cargo over 3.5 tons - cargo up to 3.5 tons.

Road transport. Freight transport throughout Europe up to weight of 1 ton. Express consignment transportation. Courier service.

Services: - van truck transport: - national, international - express delivery of parcels.

Transport, road transport: - truck - international and domestic -forwarding, forwarding activity.

Services: - a taxi - personal transport of people - freight transport up to 3.5t - moving - courier transport - drink & drive service

Services: - international truck transport - international transport of express parcels.

Transportation of whole and partial consignments. International and domestic truck transport. Bulk transportation. Shipping.

Services - domestic and international shipping - forwarding.

Logistics, storage - express transport of parcels.

Express transport of parcels (or pallet goods) from the Czech Republic to the entire territory of Slovakia and vice versa to the Czech Republic.

Services: - courier transport - transportation of piece, parcel shipments

Road transport: - domestic -international. Services: -day and night express express delivery of parcels. Transportation: -spare parts -machine parts. NVS*-European Express System partner.

INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT. TNT Innight is specialized pan-European distribution network of night express, focused on regular delivery at night. A pan-European network of partners offers customers an international "door to door" of transportation. Thanks to the established overnight delivery standards (Night Express) are shipments to ...

Services: - domestic and international freight transport - removal of parcels

Rental of cars and vans Flight tickets Security - customs services Transportation - piece shipments Haulage - international - national.

Services: - express transport of piece and parcel shipments within the entire Czech Republic - logistics - storage

Customs services Truck transport Transportation - piece shipments Air Transport - piece shipments Naval transport Logistics services Freight transport Moving services for companies and private individuals Rail transport.

Road transport, transportation: -national (domestic) and international (foreign) transport - JUST IN TIME -express transport and forwarding throughout Europe -courier services, transport of parcels -forwarding, forwarding services. - ADR transport Vehicle fleet: -11 vans with a tonnage of up to 3.5t -3 pick-up trucks.