TEB Cesky Tesin, s.r.o.

Oldrichovice 791, Trinec 739 61
Telephone: +420 602 184 655

The company TEB Český Těšín s.r.o., which has been operating for more than 12 years, has been dealing with:

Manufacture of electrical appliances

Cold pressing and forming of metal (automotive)


The company is certified for the quality system ČSN EN ISO 9001: 2016.

Reg. No.: 27795225
VAT No.: CZ27795225
District: Frydek-Mistek
Country: The Czech Republic
Legal form: limited company
Employees: up to 5 employees
Turnover: 200 thousand - 400 thousand €
Contact person: František Tesarčík

+420 602 184 655
+420 595 178 640



Contact persons:
Frantisek Tesarcik
tel: +420 602 421 363
email: tesarcik@eteb.cz

Eva Tesarcikova

GPS: 49°39′43.34″ N, 18°38′53.2″ E

Company's QR code TEB Cesky Tesin, s.r.o.

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